Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wind in my hair....

I tell you what, this exercise thing is hit or miss for sure. I did Great on Sat., well great because I showed up, felt good and did it. All 6.5 miles. And I must say, it was a lot. Time not so great, 6.5m in 1.38, pace 15.07. I felt faster than that. Anyway, it was good run, and I do like the idea of having someone out there w me and the fact we do not have to run together. I continue to focus on the run while running, like how my legs feel, stride, form etc. helps it go along smoothly. Occ I will resort to the alphabet game; its amazing the words and where my mind takes me when I do this, like D for Dumbo flying elephant.....welllll cant you just see it? Gliding through the air? You get the picture! I enjoy that when I get a lil tired.
All the rest of the day and Sunday though I was really sore, had to pop Ibuprophen more than usual. So now we skip to Monday.....ugggg. I wish I could make myself get up and go early, its a long run because I'm off Mondays but I cant seem to get the same enthusiasm for Monday like Sat. Maybe thats what I should do? Treat it like Sat! Up and atem early! Cause time I get out there (2pm) its hot and im cranky and I DO NOT do well. 4m 1.05. I am not calculating pace cause what is the point. I knew it would be treetrunk leg day so I took it slow. I did, however, manage to pick up the pace for some small speed work when I did run so I was not a total waste. At one point I was in the woods and I picked it up and ran like a kid! It was really freeing, felt like running for running was just....fun. I really want to make this a lifestyle change, to exercise 4-5days a week, not just to get to the race. Although I still am looking forward to seeing Mickey and friends! That helps me get through too.

Nutrition/Hydration: must go find sports beans this week. 7m on Sat...need fuel. I did pop some raisins 2x on the 6.5, that was good but not sure it was enough carbs for 7 m.

Schedule: Week 10: M4 (done), T3.5, Wct, Th3.5, Sat7= 18. One mile up from last week.
Week9: Th could not muster to move my legs in running motion, ended up doing 45"core and strength training hard on legs and 15" on core eliptical. I feel it equalled the 3.5m I was supposed to do.

Weight: 153, we are seriously working on this.

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