Friday, July 30, 2010

I am a runner....

At least that is what I keep chanting while I'm plodding! Yesterday was 92degress at 530pm but I went and sweated it out. Legs were lil tired from Wed gym weight day but I was feelin good! I was tough but I did 5w, 5r, 3w, 5r, 3w, 3r, etc until 21" run accrued. It is tougher outside than on TM thats for sure. I have got to get my Mantra going! I am really going to focus on an article I read and may get more info on, meditative running. I read it in Runners World, a Buddhist priest if you will, started this program where you learn to meditate while running. I would like to try, will try harder. I understand meditation is good for you, although I have never gotten it, and running is good for you too. I certainly do not have time for both, so why not incorporate the 2. That is my plan for the week. As week 3 comes to a close, I am ever hopeful and wishful that I am in the building of quad and cardiac muscle and I am able to complete at least a 5k by Sept. I still love the idea of running and I love how I feel when Im onward. BUT not today, rest day,, Thank God. Thanks for Listening....

Schedule: M3-done, T3-done, Wweights-done, Th3-done, Sat4.5---looking forward to something different. I will be near a highschool track on Sat AM so that is my plan, 18 laps, with pod of course.....maybe a lil mediation practice.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

up and down....

I must start out by saying I have been quit irritable since Sunday, not sure why except work issues. Down and depressed, but trying to keep it to myself right now, E does not need any extra stress or anything else to think about. By the time I was 1/2 through with run yesterday, my mood actually lifted and I was smiling and having fun. So what does that? is it the exercise, or endorphins that acutally push the crap out and make you feel better? Not sure or that should have happened Monday. But I sure would like for that to be true, and from all I am reading what ever you 'think' is true and keep saying to yourself, usually becomes true. Mind over matter.....I'll go with it.
My training sessions seem to really be going up and down. Monday truely sucked wind, Tues I went to gym and did treadmill, not so bad. Did my 3.1 in 45.20, speed work today. w5, run 10 (4.2x2, 4.3x2, 5x1 then back down) repeat cycle, last ran 10" at 4.2, cool down. Felt good, not weak. Did use my pod and last part, my girl on my left to keep me occupied. Today I am supposed to go for weight training, if I do it will be brief. I am still motivated and optimistic, so I press on... not sure about the 5k in Sept, I think I should though, Citizen Times 5K
Thanks for listening

Training Schedule: on track....looking forward to 3 tomorrow and 4.5 Sat.

Nutrition/hydration:Have still been eating good, making it last throughout the day, trying to balance enough/not too much. Shit. How do you do that? hydration in afternoon runs is easy, still working with morning. Did my 4AM such down on about 8oz and sure enough my 6am had to pee....but unable to make myself get up and go. Not sure if allergies but 10hrs sleep feels about adequate! Sad. Tomorrow. 6AM, no excuse, up and out the door.

Weight: 153

Monday, July 26, 2010

NOW it starts to rain....

Couldn't start raining 30"ago when I was in the heat of 95! Oh no, sweltering and melting....I just have well been in the swamp of Lousiana trugging through in the mud and heat....I would have gone just as fast, I'm sure of it. Needless to say, today was not a good day. Which brings me back to an earlier post that mentions I think the first week was the best, keeps going down here from here. And I thought Sat was bad! So today went something like this.....I was lazy from Sunday of doing nothing, but that is my rest day, so I rested. Today I just felt tired but being a "runner" I was going anyway. Donned by running best, nike shorts and matching shirt (which I heard from my 18yr old did nothing but accentuate the gut I'm trying to get under control, she so sweet), Mizuno wave creation 10s, new nike rocking runnin socks, ipod and my salt life vizor. I was ready. I was, admittedly, a little irritated already but this was going to fix it. Started with 10" walk instead of 5 d/t already feeling sluggish, then started my slow jog, lasted a whopping 3", Yes 3". So I decided it was a walk day, at least I'm getting out there right? put on my pod, nothing. Great. Now it's just not holding battery. so walk it is. Tried again in few min, for a whopping 3" more the 3miler was a walk with a total of 8" of running, and not consecutively. And I signed up for that 1/2 marathon? What was I thinking! Now is when I wish I had running buddies or at least someone to offer some encouragement. Is this normal? Will I overcome if I just keep moving? All seems futile at this point today. But the money is spent and I still love the thought of running. I have my mantra....although is changes so far, not got it really like I want it yet. I like the words graceful, effortless, floating, powerful, gliding, confident. So I hope these are the building weeks. I will continue, I am a runner. Thanks for listening.
Week 3 schedule: M--3, T--3, W--CT, Th--3, Sat 4.5. Total 13.5

Nutrition/hydration: ate chick/rice before run today, just gave me heartburn, too much fat. Seems I do better with liquid fuel. Did hydrate and take water w/me.

Gear: Still shopping for shoes, reading reviews. They really are confusing. I think you just have to go and putem on. I think I might stick with mizuno for now. They seem to work.

Weight: 154.5

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 2 at close

Week 2 at a close today. They sure are going by fast, meaning only 30 weeks left until the infamous race! I'm excited but when I'm on that trail, I'm nervous! This week has proved challenging in many ways. First of the week started out pretty well. Took Tues and Wed off, did 3 miles at park Thurs, and you can see how that went. To be able to get in my miles this week I had to go on Fri too, not optimal with Sat being long day, but I AM determined to keep up with my mileage, 12.5 this week. Elena wanted to go with so we went to gym and I did TM. I ROCKed it! actually ran 30", 2miles without stopping and it did not seem at all difficult. So i had my mojo back, until I hit park this morning 630.....once again the wide open road had its challenges. That first 15 felt like my first run ever. I tried the visualization, nope, the positive comments, nope. I did try the new technique I read in the bible though, coming up with a phrase of optimism that did seem to carry me for a few min.. "I am a runner. When I run I feel graceful, powerful and light. I love to run. I love the high. I love to run. I love the exhileration. I am a runner. I am strong and confident. I will run and finish this run strong. I am a runner." That really does help. You can just imagine yourself gliding along effortlessly, it makes you pick your head up proudly and let the sweat drip off your face with pride. So I did it, 4miles, me and Oscar, my protector. It was Super! Nothing like finishing what you start.
Nutrition/hydration notes: did 18oz water and 12oz soy milk 45" before run, that really helped. Had one bite of cereal bar about 1/2 way through, it kicked in about at the end. So, hydrating did help for sure, need to try those gel packs on long runs and early runs cause sucking down a dry sugary cereal bar did not work!
Gear notes....E bought me new socks yesterday....awesome nike running socks, thin like I like, driwick, with a band that hugs your foot at the around the middle. just on the ankle. not to high,not too low. Love them.. Always wondered what sock hype was I know. Found mine! Now for rest of wish shoes (tried the brooks Trance 9 yesterday. felt really good, great forefoot cushion and toe send off 140$), garmin forerunner 110, and i'll be set. I'm doing it today....I am registering for the Princess 1/2 marathon!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Coming to terms with run/walk

Its good to read.
It has really helped me to continue to read and read all I can about running, marathoning, training, eating/hydrating. This week what has been prominent is walk/run combo and how it is ok. Up until this point my focus has been on running without stopping. What I have learned is even the best and most trained sometimes just have to walk, ok , maybe not during a race, but... My bible refers to a couple of people who have actually increased their finish times by taking a couple walk breaks. It gives the body just a breather and allows for reset. I was never so glad to already know that than I was this morning at 630. So, maybe, week one is when your muscles are getting started and haven't reached the point that they realize they are going to have to work yet? Cause let me tell you, they are ssccreaming at me today! and yesterday! I tried to go yesterday but honestly my legs were so heavy it was pointless. I did make my scheduled 3 miles today, but wow. I really need to work on hydration too, I could feel about mile 2 that I was out of juice. I'm thinking about 4am drinking 16oz water to get me hydrated for 6am. The words "this aint happening" actually came out of my mouth, coupled with 'you've got to be kidding'! No amount of visulization was working, no meditation, nothing. Just had to plug through. and still 153.5 aarrrg. ok. Tomorrow will be better. Its funny how good days give you one kind of motivation, bad days give you a whole different kind.....the 'this is not going to beat me' kind. So onward my tired legs...forward.
Thanks for listening.

Monday, July 19, 2010

That first mile.....aaaarrrgggg:(

What is it about that first mile that makes you feel like "what am I EVEN thinking??" My legs feel like they weigh 1000lbs each and my lungs are going to explode....but its funny how if you just keep going past that first few min you reach a sorta, spot, that you can keep going and really kinda feels....good. I can not believe that I am back to the same run time as I was when I quit 2 months ago.. Mind over matter. Its amazing. I was kicking myself for quitting, maybe its all for the best, I may not have realized how much I could really do. So today was 3.1m in 44.50". Did some speed work--1" @4.8, 1"@5, 1"@4.8 in first 15" run, w5, repeat . total 44.50" for 3.1m. this after core/leg weights.
Then.....there is the whole food issue. I am, as I said 20+lbs over my ideal. I have been really cutting back, to very healthy. No sugar, minimal lowfat dairy, no processed food....whole grain, vegs, fruit, lean meats only. But there is so much info out there its hard to come up with the correct ratio of carbs to protien to fat....there's all the prerun, postrun and all the time in middle! What, when, how much! I know I know....just want to be Im trying. But I really do not want to get where is happy medium?? Any ideas?
In the meantime....I keep plugging, keep running and keep my optimisim>>>>
thanks for listening.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Long run, changes in attitude....

Well I figured out exactly what the relationship is between attitude and behavior....the attitude dictates behavior. What I read in "the Book" , as it will be know from here on out, is that what your mind says is 99% of the battle. I went this morning for the long run of the week, a wooping 3 miler. Now, 2 days ago I did 2.5 and did run 11" at time and that was good. Today I decided to adpot the theory of just going ahead, saying and believing I was a runner and vvwwaaalaaa.....I did 15"r, 5"w, 15"r, 5"w, 4"r, finished in walk.....for total of 3miles in 50". So, ok the runs were ssnaillss, but something else Ive learned--- so what. I did it. The first 15 was 'ok', I was tired, my legs ached but I kept saying, 'but so what' and kept going, my lungs actually did fairly well with the slow pace. The second 15, different story, I'm sure at some point I was wheezing---- and so wanted to quit at like 5". So I said 'self, so what', and went to visualization mode. I vizualized the whole grain muffin with honey I ate before starting breaking down and giving my cells energy, the blood filling with O2 with every big inhale then the blood rushing to my legs after that....that took a good 2"!! so I did it again and again and soon I was saying.....oh wow, only 2 more minutes! Something else I noticed today, the stopping points get further in the distance....and that seems ok. By the time the 2nd 15" was over I had the really euphoric feeling wash over me and I was suddenly energized like I haven't felt before--Super Powers I'm sure of it!! I'm thinking I was a wimp the first 4 months I tried this, or maybe I'm just using muscle memory or power of postive thinking. Not sure but something has clicked and I like it! I Almost did 3miles straight today....only 10.1 to go! (oh yeah, I almost forgot the 12lb weight gain in that just so you know and I dont forget..156.5). ouch.
What do you think the relationship is between changes in behavior and changes in attitude? First line chapter 4 The Non Runners Marathon Trainer. Super Fab..

Friday, July 16, 2010

magic firewirks.jpg

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Rest day yeehaw!!

I am aware that is a pisspoor attitude for a new runner legs are tired! Yesterday was short run (now you know when I say run, I mean jog and walk??), make no mistake, there is no real running yet. I have actually made my own version of a training schedule for the next 32 weeks. This is week one. I started off with 11.5 miles this week and increase my mileage by 10% weekly. So this does not sound too bad until you reach say week 20 and the mileage is 10miles and you know it will take you, like 5 hours, at the pace you are going now! I may have gotten a little aggressive on the increase but I'm doing what the book says to do for now, adjustments come later. I have decided to really give it more effort than before and push....they say, don't you just love "they". In this case 'they' is the publishers of my Marathon Bible---David, Forrest and Tanjala. They assure me it does not matter how slow you go as long as you go and finish. Welll,,,, I beg to differ but Disney says it does matter how must keep a 16 min/mile to not get 'swept' of the course! Well how completely humiliating would that be! OOppss lil girl, youre just too slow, get in my lil golf cart and I'll ride you the rest of the way.....
I onward and least a little. My long run tomorrow 3 miles. I had high hopes of running 2.5 yesterday without rest, didn't happen, but did run a good 11 min without stopping. Of course picked up several 2-3"intervals, I dont want you thinking I'm a total slacker LOL! Tomorrow 12" x1, 10"x2, total of 3 miles.
Schedule: week 1: M-3, T-3, W-CrossTrain (CT), TH-2.5, F-Rest, Sat-LongRun 3, Sun-R/family activity day. This week Navitat for ziplining and repelling!
Thanks for Listening

Thursday, July 15, 2010


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Here we go...week one

Hi All. I am starting this blog as way of venting my frustrations, shouting my victories, asking stupid questions to the universe and keeping me on track (no pun intended!!) for my upcoming race without driving my family crazy by talking about it incesently!
So let me start from the beginning.....I am not an athlete. have never been, unless you call cheerleading a sport, which is still up for debate by most. I, and I have done it, do not really, not at my school anyway. I did it to meet the football players, and I was really good at the split in the middle. No flips, no high towers of scrawny girls, and absolutely no running!
But as Ive gotten older I have toyed around with gym workouts, swimming... but nothing serious. I have been up and down in weight from 115-172 and down again to 122 and now currently "around" 155. I have always said I wanted to "run". I do not know why. I have never tried it. I always just thought those runners looked so graceful and healthy. So imagine my surprise when I tried it and within 5"thought I would suck the wind right out of a tornado if it would help me breath.....this is not going to be easy. That was Jan 1, 2010.
So I vowed at that time I would do the Disney 1/2 Marathon in Jan 2011. Wellll......I did great for 4 months. running, walking, weights, reading everything I could on running, subscribing to Runners World, buying Marathon Guide for the Non Runner.....I was equipped with all the knowledge, now if I could "read" new legs and lungs! So for 4 months I trugged out 5 days a week and slowly, and I mean slowly, progessed. It was not fast enough. I was barely jogging 10" at a time without wanting to pass the f out. I was able to go 5 miles, but at snail pace. day I didn't go out. That was April 22. Today is July 15. I went back out for first time again July 8.
That gets us up to date.....I have given up on Jan marathon and moved my target to Feb 27, Disney Princess 1/2 marathon, a much more fitting title anyway. My family tells me I think I'm a Princess anyway....and I think they are right! So lets go!