Saturday, July 17, 2010

Long run, changes in attitude....

Well I figured out exactly what the relationship is between attitude and behavior....the attitude dictates behavior. What I read in "the Book" , as it will be know from here on out, is that what your mind says is 99% of the battle. I went this morning for the long run of the week, a wooping 3 miler. Now, 2 days ago I did 2.5 and did run 11" at time and that was good. Today I decided to adpot the theory of just going ahead, saying and believing I was a runner and vvwwaaalaaa.....I did 15"r, 5"w, 15"r, 5"w, 4"r, finished in walk.....for total of 3miles in 50". So, ok the runs were ssnaillss, but something else Ive learned--- so what. I did it. The first 15 was 'ok', I was tired, my legs ached but I kept saying, 'but so what' and kept going, my lungs actually did fairly well with the slow pace. The second 15, different story, I'm sure at some point I was wheezing---- and so wanted to quit at like 5". So I said 'self, so what', and went to visualization mode. I vizualized the whole grain muffin with honey I ate before starting breaking down and giving my cells energy, the blood filling with O2 with every big inhale then the blood rushing to my legs after that....that took a good 2"!! so I did it again and again and soon I was saying.....oh wow, only 2 more minutes! Something else I noticed today, the stopping points get further in the distance....and that seems ok. By the time the 2nd 15" was over I had the really euphoric feeling wash over me and I was suddenly energized like I haven't felt before--Super Powers I'm sure of it!! I'm thinking I was a wimp the first 4 months I tried this, or maybe I'm just using muscle memory or power of postive thinking. Not sure but something has clicked and I like it! I Almost did 3miles straight today....only 10.1 to go! (oh yeah, I almost forgot the 12lb weight gain in that just so you know and I dont forget..156.5). ouch.

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