Monday, July 26, 2010

NOW it starts to rain....

Couldn't start raining 30"ago when I was in the heat of 95! Oh no, sweltering and melting....I just have well been in the swamp of Lousiana trugging through in the mud and heat....I would have gone just as fast, I'm sure of it. Needless to say, today was not a good day. Which brings me back to an earlier post that mentions I think the first week was the best, keeps going down here from here. And I thought Sat was bad! So today went something like this.....I was lazy from Sunday of doing nothing, but that is my rest day, so I rested. Today I just felt tired but being a "runner" I was going anyway. Donned by running best, nike shorts and matching shirt (which I heard from my 18yr old did nothing but accentuate the gut I'm trying to get under control, she so sweet), Mizuno wave creation 10s, new nike rocking runnin socks, ipod and my salt life vizor. I was ready. I was, admittedly, a little irritated already but this was going to fix it. Started with 10" walk instead of 5 d/t already feeling sluggish, then started my slow jog, lasted a whopping 3", Yes 3". So I decided it was a walk day, at least I'm getting out there right? put on my pod, nothing. Great. Now it's just not holding battery. so walk it is. Tried again in few min, for a whopping 3" more the 3miler was a walk with a total of 8" of running, and not consecutively. And I signed up for that 1/2 marathon? What was I thinking! Now is when I wish I had running buddies or at least someone to offer some encouragement. Is this normal? Will I overcome if I just keep moving? All seems futile at this point today. But the money is spent and I still love the thought of running. I have my mantra....although is changes so far, not got it really like I want it yet. I like the words graceful, effortless, floating, powerful, gliding, confident. So I hope these are the building weeks. I will continue, I am a runner. Thanks for listening.
Week 3 schedule: M--3, T--3, W--CT, Th--3, Sat 4.5. Total 13.5

Nutrition/hydration: ate chick/rice before run today, just gave me heartburn, too much fat. Seems I do better with liquid fuel. Did hydrate and take water w/me.

Gear: Still shopping for shoes, reading reviews. They really are confusing. I think you just have to go and putem on. I think I might stick with mizuno for now. They seem to work.

Weight: 154.5

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