Hi All. I am starting this blog as way of venting my frustrations, shouting my victories, asking stupid questions to the universe and keeping me on track (no pun intended!!) for my upcoming race without driving my family crazy by talking about it incesently!
So let me start from the beginning.....I am not an athlete. have never been, unless you call cheerleading a sport, which is still up for debate by most. I, and I have done it, do not really, not at my school anyway. I did it to meet the football players, and I was really good at the split in the middle. No flips, no high towers of scrawny girls, and absolutely no running!
But as Ive gotten older I have toyed around with gym workouts, swimming... but nothing serious. I have been up and down in weight from 115-172 and down again to 122 and now currently "around" 155. I have always said I wanted to "run". I do not know why. I have never tried it. I always just thought those runners looked so graceful and healthy. So imagine my surprise when I tried it and within 5"thought I would suck the wind right out of a tornado if it would help me breath.....this is not going to be easy. That was Jan 1, 2010.
So I vowed at that time I would do the Disney 1/2 Marathon in Jan 2011. Wellll......I did great for 4 months. running, walking, weights, reading everything I could on running, subscribing to Runners World, buying Marathon Guide for the Non Runner.....I was equipped with all the knowledge, now if I could "read" new legs and lungs! So for 4 months I trugged out 5 days a week and slowly, and I mean slowly, progessed. It was not fast enough. I was barely jogging 10" at a time without wanting to pass the f out. I was able to go 5 miles, but at snail pace. SoOOOOOO.......one day I didn't go out. That was April 22. Today is July 15. I went back out for first time again July 8.
That gets us up to date.....I have given up on Jan marathon and moved my target to Feb 27, Disney Princess 1/2 marathon, a much more fitting title anyway. My family tells me I think I'm a Princess anyway....and I think they are right! So lets go!
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