Monday, August 30, 2010

Associative or disassocative?

New terms from my Non Runners Marathon Training book. Meaning to think about running or other things while running so it gets over with faster. I choose (and they agree), you should enjoy the act of running so associative is the way to try, although there are times you must tune out or die. I enjoy doing the ABC game and thinking of words to go with running....the word takes me off into directions like T=turtle, since I'm so into the Disney theme and the race-Crush came to mind and the little turtle buddy and when they get into the jetstream and they are taken away and fins out floating....made me laugh and pretend I was in the stream....anyway, silly, but I works. I do like to think of my legs if they get tired, drink of water and how that goes to the muscles and its like fireworks and....pixidust! magic happens! ANything to make you keep going and going.
Today I had to come up with a plan for measuring progress since I cant do distance for accurate pace. since I still cant afford the 200 for the Garmin. Time and how much I run in the time frame. Today was approx 4m in 1.01hr. but not really sure. That is about right for me but I like to pretend I'm gaining SOME speed. I decided to do speed work today and at least once a week since I keep reading that is way to gain overall speed, get your heart better at distributing O2 to your muscles. I did 4sets of 2", one at tensy bit faster than easy for me, second was uncomfortable faster for me, made the ole ticker pound. rest of time I spent trying to increase overall run time at reg snail pace. I ran 36" our of 61". better than 1/2 in run mode, I'll take that!

Gear: Must cut hole for my friend bunnion....making blister on my great toe. hate to cut my new shoes, but oh well

Hydration/nutrition: will be on look out for sports bean/chews sound more appetizing than gel for long runs since getting into 6 and over now.....Still doing better on liquid fuel, smoothy before run with hand full of raisin/nuts.

Schedule: yeehaw--4m today (approx) 1.01hr. speed drills. T3,Wct,Th3, Sat 6=16

Weight: who care hahahaha, not today. focus is on training.

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